Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, thanks to our Greatest ,Allah S.W.T. We have finished our programme KRIS SUMMER CAMP I 2011 at Kem Desa Selesa, Tg. Malim ,Perak comfortably held on 12 March 2011 untill 14 March 2011.
On 12 March 2011 at 12.30 noon: The programme started with the first challenge is a river-crossing through 'jambatan gantung'.

                                                            cross the river
There are various mood that can be seen on my student's face such as happy, cheerful , scared,  nervous, quiet and so on.
                                                                      happy, cheerful

nervous or quiet??? hohohoooo horlick.
Teacher also  nervous when cross a river through the bridge but this is the first challenge that must be taken by all pupils and teachers before arrived to the campsite. This is the second time to me 'menaiki jambatan gantung' wow that's a new experience. In life, learn come out through the knowledge and an experience.

The second slot of the first day is group presentation.The pupils gave a good cooperation but we need to tap the talent available in each and every student so that they dare forward and be brave. 

to be continue....

Friday, March 4, 2011

MASA .....TIME.... BA'DA

Assalamualaikum buat semua para pembaca...

Lamanya rasa tak dapat menulis dalam blog ni... terlalu banyak tugasan dan amanah yang perlu diselesaikan segera. Alhamdulillah baru je satu program besar telah selesai, namun ada program yang akan menyusul minggu hadapan. so happy becoz this weekend free yeeeeee... leh duk umah, jalan-jalan dgn hubby, shopping time.. huhuhuhu.. Next week ada summer camp pulak... 3 hari 2 malam ...3 hari 2 malam( baca intonasi lagu 3 hari 2 malam di tv yer) hehe. 

Cuti sekolah bakal menjelma, namun minggu pertama perlu dihabiskan dengan summer camp, then menanda kertas soalan ujian then InsyaAllah oh ho ho balik kampung ...oh ho balik kampung hati riang.... rindu sume keluarga di kampung tercinta. InsyaAllah akan menghabiskan cuti di kampung bersama ayahbonda tercinta.
Buat semua yang rakan-rakanku marilah kita sama2 bekerjasama untuk menjayakan summer camp ni yer.. semoga segalanya berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan urusan. Semoga semuanya selamat pergi dan pulang .. Amin